What challenges and opportunities does micro-frontend architecture bring to front-end development, and how do you overcome these challenges?
I think the main benefit of micro-frontends is that they can link different applications together. If you need to integrate some old applications into the current one, you can use micro-frontends instead of rewriting the old applications. However, micro-frontends have several issues to solve, such as communication between modules, data sharing, and style isolation. They can also be complicated to use. If it's a new application, there's no need to use micro-frontends to avoid potential problem. Currently, I mainly use some mature micro-frontend frameworks to solve these problems, such as qiankun and micro-app, which work quite well.
我觉得微前端最主要的好处就是可以把不同的应用连接在一起。假如现在需要把 一些老应用集成到当前应用里,那么就可以使用微前端了,而不是把老应用都重写一遍。但是微前端存在不少要解决的问题,例如模块之间的通信、数据共享、样式隔离等,并且使用起来比较麻烦。如果是全新应用,就没有必要上微前端了,避免踩坑。我目前主要使用一些比较成熟的微前端框架来解决这些问题,例如 qiankun、micro-app,使用效果还不错。