
意群(Sense Group)

意群(sense group 或 thought group)是指在自然语流中,按语义和语法关系划分出的句子中的一组词。每个意群通常包含一个主要的语义单位,并在语音上表现为一个独立的语调单位。意群的划分对于理解和表达英语句子的节奏和重音有重要作用。


  1. 帮助理解句子结构:意群将句子分成较小的部分,使复杂句子变得更容易理解。例如:

    • Without 意群: "The man who is standing by the door is my uncle."
    • With 意群: "The man | who is standing by the door | is my uncle."
  2. 增强语义清晰度:通过意群的划分,可以更清晰地表达每个部分的意思,避免歧义。例如:

    • Without 意群: "Let's eat, grandpa."
    • With 意群: "Let's eat | grandpa."
  3. 改善语音节奏:意群帮助说话者在自然停顿处停顿,使语音节奏更加自然,便于听者理解。例如:

    • Without 意群: "She went to the store and bought some milk and eggs."
    • With 意群: "She went to the store | and bought some milk | and eggs."


  1. 根据语法结构:通常在自然停顿处划分意群,例如句子的主语、谓语和宾语之间。
  2. 根据语义单元:将意义紧密相关的词放在同一个意群中。
  3. 根据重音和语调:意群的结尾通常是语调的自然下降处。


  1. 简单句中的意群:即使在简单句中,意群也可以帮助表达清晰的语义。例如:

    • 句子: "I love reading books."
    • 意群划分: "I love | reading books."
  2. 复合句中的意群:在复合句中,意群通常与从句的划分一致,但也可以根据语义和语调进行进一步细分。例如:

    • 句子: "She said that she would come, but she didn't."
    • 意群划分: "She said | that she would come | but she didn't."
  3. 复杂句中的意群:在复杂句中,意群的划分有助于理清句子的层次结构。例如:

    • 句子: "When I was younger, I used to think that life was simple, but now I know better."
    • 意群划分: "When I was younger | I used to think | that life was simple | but now | I know better."
  4. 句子中的修饰语:意群也可以用来划分修饰语,使句子更易于理解。例如:

    • 句子: "The man in the blue shirt is my brother."
    • 意群划分: "The man | in the blue shirt | is my brother."
  5. 长句中的停顿:在长句中,意群的划分有助于在适当的位置进行停顿,使句子更易于表达和理解。例如:

    • 句子: "Despite the fact that it was raining, we decided to go for a walk in the park."
    • 意群划分: "Despite the fact | that it was raining | we decided | to go for a walk | in the park."


  • 句子: "When I was a child, I used to play outside every day."

    • 意群划分: "When I was a child | I used to play outside | every day."
  • 句子: "The book that you gave me is very interesting."

    • 意群划分: "The book | that you gave me | is very interesting."
